The name of the wood species is Tatajuba (Tatajuba) or Guianan Bagasse, Bagassa guianensis Aubl. Tatajuba is a relatively large deciduous tree, reaching a height of 27–30 m and a diameter of 0.6 m, sometimes larger specimens are also found. The trunk is cylindrical, 18–21 m high. It grows mainly in South America - Brazil (it is in Brazil that the name Tatajuba is common), Guyana, Guiana and Suriname.
Tatajuba wood when freshly cut is yellow with darker streaks. After drying and under the influence of the external environment, it acquires a golden brown or yellowish brown color with a sheen. Texture is medium to coarse. The structure is serrated, which creates a pattern of wide stripes on radial sections. The wood is hard and heavy. Its dry density is about 800 mg/m³.
Tatajuba - in terms of its mechanical properties, it is comparable to oak wood. Has exceptional resistance to impact loads and shear loads. Extremely resistant to adverse environmental influences. It is easy to process and gives a surface with a very high gloss. Form-stable in finished products.
Recommended for everyday use, ideal for knife handles and hand tools.
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