We present another very interesting, widely discussed in the knife community and, one might say, a unique stone from Suehiro - the Rika 5000 whetstone. Rika 5000 from Suehiro is designed for finishing operations when sharpening cutting tools. Along with other stones, Suehiro Rika 5000 is part of Suehiro's line of traditional finishing professional waterstones (Whetstones for Professional Use). From this list, the manufacturer has not compiled any consistent set of stones, this category contains the best sharpening stones from Suehiro, and any stone from this group can be an excellent addition to stones from other series, including third-party manufacturers. The Suehiro Rika 5000 bar is made of aluminum oxide and has a JIS 5000 grit.
The bar must be used with water. It is recommended to soak for a few minutes.
Suehiro Rika 5000 stones have a medium-hard bond and are not impregnated, so they have an exceptionally high abrasive capacity. Suehiro Rika 5000 is a high performance product that uses complex complex bonds and compound abrasive grains. Those. a fine abrasive is fastened with one bond, forming a larger grain, and then this grain is combined in multistage into larger conglomerates already with the help of other bonds. This explains why the Suehiro Rika 5000 is very fast on both very hard steels and soft stainless steels. However, if Suehiro Rika 5000 works very cleanly on extremely hard high-alloy (including high-vanadium), high-carbon and powder steels, leaving a mirror surface corresponding to a grain size of 5000 (since the complex grain has time to break down to its smallest fraction during operation), then on ordinary stainless steels, the result of the work of this stone is significantly rougher (it can drop to 3000 grit according to the JIS scale), but the processing speed is higher than that of stones of similar grit. This effect allows you to take a larger step between the grains of the stones in the sharpening set and it is absolutely comfortable to switch to processing with the Suehiro Rika 5000 stone from 1000 grit stones.
Like many Japanese waterstones, Suehiro Rika 5000 can be trimmed simply on frosted glass with water in its own suspension, without resorting to the use of silicon carbide powders. It works if this procedure is done regularly, after about 2-3 sharpenings, without allowing serious deviations in the geometry of the stone.
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