One of the legendary varieties of Washita is Washita Lily White Hard (Washita Lily White Norton) from Norton.
Today, such a stone for sharpening is a rarity. Since the rock deposit was completely developed, even before the middle of the last century. And those specimens that can be found now are already related to museum exhibits. However, we did it for you!
The stone works very quickly and is very uniform. And most importantly, it has a rare abrasive range, covering almost all stages of sharpening, from the finishing stage of geometry formation to the almost pre-finishing stage of the entire sharpening. What can be adjusted is the amount of coolant and the pressure on the surface to be sharpened. In other words, if there is no need to change the angle or grind large chips, you can sharpen the cutting tool with almost one block.
Also, due to the balanced hardness, the stone has an excellent response. That is, how the stone works is very well transmitted tactilely and by the sound of its work. The best use of the stone is the middle stage of sharpening.
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