Naniwa Traditional Stones are one of the basic series of whetstones from Naniwa. These stones have been produced for a long time and are a rebrand of the famous DX Stone series, only the name and packaging have changed, the stone itself has remained unchanged. It is believed that the Naniwa Traditional Stones series of whetstones was created as a budget alternative to relatively cheap kitchen brands such as King, which are less expensive and therefore more attractive especially for beginners. However, in this category, Naniwa produces Economical Series stones, and Naniwa Traditional Stones, although they really belong to inexpensive stones, have their own scope. Naniwa Traditional Stones are not as soft as Naniwa Sharpening Stones (Naniwa Super Stone) and do not have as high grain renewal on the work surface. They are not as productive as the bars of the Naniwa Professional Stones (CHOSERA) series. But Naniwa Traditional Stones have a very hard bond and excellent geometry when sharpening, and their abrasive ability is not much lower than that of the recognized leaders in metal removal performance - Naniwa Professional Stones. Not without reason, if a sharpening set of CHOSERA stones requires a bar coarser than 400 grit, it is recommended to take the stone Naniwa Traditional Stones 220, as the closest in properties and suitable in its structure to the Professional Stones series. Naniwa Traditional Stones is an excellent alternative to many eminent series of well-known brands, this stone is universal and suitable for almost all tool steels. Naniwa Traditional Stones are especially good for working with high-alloyed steels, since it is with them that little wear of the stone is so necessary during long-term hard work. The starting stone in the Naniwa Traditional Stones set is NANIWA 220, a roughing stone (roughing stone) with reference T-901. As already mentioned, this block fits perfectly and is recommended in addition to Naniwa Professional Stones (CHOSERA) as a starting block for the toughest jobs. The grain material of this stone is PA - pink alumina or pink chromium electrocorundum. The addition of chrome master alloy makes the aluminum oxide grain extremely brittle, forming very sharp edges on the chips, allowing the NANIWA 220 T-901 stone to quickly cope with any hard work that requires the removal of large volumes of metal from the workpiece. It should be noted that in the line of the Naniwa Traditional Stones series there is another version of the roughing bar with a grain size of 220 grit - this is NANIWA 220 with reference T-102. The difference between this version of the starting stone is that it is made of silicon carbide - GC - greencarborundum or green silicon carbide, an analogue of the domestic brand 64C. The next abrasive bar in the proposed set of Naniwa Traditional Stones is a stone with a grain size of 1000 grit (sharpening stone). This grit is the most used in any sharpening kit, it is a stone that is difficult to “get around” making a consistent path from peeling operations to sharpening and further to finishing. Stone Naniwa Traditional Stones in 1000 grit is the most general purpose, has a reference T-211 and is just responsible for the main sharpening stage. Grain material (because at this stage such aggressive metal removal is no longer needed as during peeling) - unalloyed white electrocorundum WA or white alumina. A 1000 grit bar is followed by a stone that completes the sharpening stage and prepares the cutting edge and the lead to the finishing stage - this is Naniwa Traditional 2000 gritsharpening and honing stone with reference T-420 and abrasive grit material of regular A- (alundum) aluminum oxide. Strictly speaking, this stone can act as a finishing stone for many applications in sharpening, it eliminates scratches after a 1000 grit bar, leaving a small micro saw on the RC, which provides an aggressive cut of the material. Naniwa Traditional Stones are exclusively water-based (only clean , cold water) require a soak for 10 minutes before any kind of use, both before sharpening and before leveling. Do not leave them in water for a long time or store them in water. In general, the regulations for the care of these sharpening stones are the same as for other Japanese water stones, in particular stones from the Naniwa company.
Additional characteristics:
Country of origin Japan.
NANIWA production
Series Traditional Stones (DX Stone)
Type whetstone whetstone.
Dimensions 210x70x20 mm
Recommended coolants - clean cold water
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Швидко працює, досить твердий - повільно втрачає геометрію, але, що головне - не втрачає при цьому абразивної здатності.
Прекрасна геометрія із коробки.
Легко рівняється на склі з порошком КК F80.
Був вражений його агресивністю для 220-и гріт. Без проблем дозволяє сформувати нову РК під іншим кутом.
Це мій перший японський камінь грубої зернистості - до цього із грубих мав лише вітчизняні чи китайські аналоги. Так от, скажу, що опис цього каменю абсолютно відповідає словам працівника магазину - в порівнянні з дешевими аналогами - це небо і земля. Цей камінь (мабуть, як і більшість японських водників) реально вартує своїх грошей. Якщо ви ніколи раніше не гострили японськими водними каменями - ви просто зобов'язані спробувати, щоб зроміти - це геть інший світ.
Насамкінець, хочу окремо подякувати магазину за допомогу з вибором та чудову консультацію - не зважаючи на мою набридливість і прискіпливість до деталей - дали відповіді на усі мої питання.